How To Help Women In Leadership Actually Succeed

Looking to bridge the gender gap in the workplace? Here are powerful tips to help women in leadership succeed. Many big businesses love to boast about increased diversity on their teams or inside their workplaces, but seeing as only 6% of Fortune 500 CEO positions are held by women, there’s clearly a lot of work […]
Be Your Own Superwoman

It can be easy to fall into the trap of having to prove our self-worth. We push ourselves past our limitations as a ploy to look perfect, but ultimately this is not a mindset or approach that leads to success. In fact, these tactics are common attributes to those of us who suffer with “superwoman […]
NextGen Collective: The Number One Factor to Accelerate Your Success

I started my career in corporate at a young age, and I must say that at that moment, I didn’t have a clue about what it really takes to be successful and climb the corporate ladder. As a Latina, born in Colombia, I grew up believing that being “perfect” was an expectation for success. This […]
Diverse Hiring Practices Aren’t Working

In the past two decades, we have seen radical shifts in the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) space—companies everywhere have made a concerted push to hire more diverse leaders and work on closing the executive gap. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of work left to do. According to a February 2022 report from the […]
How To Prepare For The Future Of Work

… I always say, “Don’t be perfect, be courageous”. Many times we get stuck in this limiting belief that we can’t make a mistake or that we will wait to take action until the time is right. This mentality keeps so many of us from going after the things that we want in our lives […]
8 Powerful Habits For Career Success

What defines a leader? The answer can vary widely, depending on who you ask. Historically, the phrase “executive presence” has been cloaked in bias, geared toward a certain racial and gender demographic. But, as we’ve seen in the past decade, the traits that truly distinguish a leader have become as diverse as the faces now […]
5 Ways To Be A More Courageous Leader

Here are the top traits any entrepreneur needs to adopt courageous leadership for ultimate success. Success in leadership is defined by a variety of factors, many of which might be outdated in today’s increasingly digital marketplace. While traditional leadership might focus on control and organization, courageous leadership opens the floor up for collaboration and exchange […]