Estudio de caso: Cómo una empresa de TI de Fortune 500 abordó sus desafíos DEI y creó una fuente de talento femenino empoderado

En un panorama dinámico, incluso las empresas más exitosas buscan crecimiento e innovación continuos. Esto suena cierto para una empresa de TI de Fortune 500, que se embarcó en un viaje transformador para mejorar la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión (DEI) dentro de su estructura organizacional. Al reconocer la necesidad de cambio, la empresa inició una encuesta integral DEI. Los hallazgos revelaron […]
Las mujeres han sido educadas para ser perfectas – Cómo romper el paradigma

For many, perfectionism is considered a virtue. Because of our history, we have a chip deeply embedded in our heads that tells us that we must work harder than anyone else to achieve something. Although this desire to improve can be a positive trait, it can also lead to unhealthy behaviors. For women, the pressure to be […]
Tres formas de abrazar la autenticidad y destacar como mujer líder

Women who lead from authenticity excel at developing work environments where each employee’s contribution is respected and valued, and where effective communication is fostered to encourage employee engagement within the organization. Authenticity is the foundation of effective leadership, especially for female leaders. According to the Harvard Business School, authenticity is determined by individuals with high […]
Por qué el despido es una gran oportunidad para hacer lo que quiere

Being laid off feels like the end of the world, but it’s not. Learn how you can best prepare yourself for this situation and how to view this overwhelming experience as an opportunity to do what you want to do. Why layoff is a great opportunity to do what you want Have you ever thought […]
Cómo mantener un equilibrio duradero entre la vida personal y laboral

Avoid burnout and find joy in your work with these helpful tips on how to maintain a work-life balance. Maintaining a work-life balance might be easier for some than for others, but it’s essential for everyone’s overall well-being ‒ regardless of the work in question. With remote work on the rise post-pandemic, many of us […]
3 técnicas de Mindfulness para conseguir más equilibrio como mujer profesional

Mindfulness is a neurological powerful tool that improve mental health in women professionals. Companies around the world have understood the issues their employees may face and saw the impact of mindfulness in their productivity. In this hyper-paced and demanding world, professional women tend to juggle multiple responsibilities, strive to meet high expectations in their work, […]
The One Thing Preventing Latinas from Getting to the C-Suite

Latinas have reported a 29 percent rate of burnout in the workplace (Hispanic Star, 2022) which, as I noted in my previous article [about Latinas exiting the job market], has had disastrous consequences for our career advancement. Burnout is one of the biggest stressors affecting all women at work, which makes us more likely to take on […]
Cómo ayudar a las mujeres en puestos de liderazgo a tener realmente éxito

Looking to bridge the gender gap in the workplace? Here are powerful tips to help women in leadership succeed. Many big businesses love to boast about increased diversity on their teams or inside their workplaces, but seeing as only 6% of Fortune 500 CEO positions are held by women, there’s clearly a lot of work […]
Latinas Have Been Raised To Be Perfect – How To Break The Paradigm

For Latinas, the pressure to be perfect can be particularly intense. Even though America is well known as a country of opportunities for everyone, the truth is that minorities still have some obstacles to face to grow, be recognized, and succeed. Now add the fact of being a woman and an immigrant in Corporate America. […]
5 Tips To Take Time Off Before Burnout Makes You Resign

In today’s fast-paced work culture, it’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly pushing yourself to the limit. However, working too hard and too long without taking time off can lead to burnout, which can have serious consequences for your health, your relationships, and your career. The pandemic set a precedent in the way […]